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Adopt Our Animals

Adopt Our Animals

Adopting our animals at Kent Life makes an ideal gift for you or someone special.

For just £35 per year, you can help keep one of our many farmyard animals fed, watered, clean and well housed throughout all the seasons. Adopting our animals at Kent Life makes an ideal gift for you or someone special. Or why not make it that little bit more exciting and consider our Meet the Farm Experience for just £60.

Your adoption pack includes a ready to frame photo of your furry/feathered friend, along with a certificate, complimentary ticket to visit for recipient plus a guest, fact sheet and fridge magnet. 


Description Price Qty
Price: £35.00
Price: £35.00
Price: £35.00
Meet a Farm
Price: £60.00
Price: £35.00
Pygmy Goats
Price: £35.00
Price: £35.00
Price: £35.00
Order Booking Fee: £0.50
Total: £0.50

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